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learn more about turtles and tortoises, the following books are a very good guideline.
Links to some Journals and Magazines
here) |
Turtles of the U.S. and Canada
Carl H. Ernst, Roger W. Barbour, and Jeffrey E.
Lovich 578 pages.
Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington and London ISBN: 1-56089-346-9
Jeffrey E. Lovich home page(click link)
Click on the book to get more
buy this book at Amazon.co.uk/A>

Schildkroten 1 Manfred Rogner 1995. 120 color fotographs 192 pages.
ISBN 3-9804403-0-3
This is the first volume of two, covering the species : Chelydridae, Dermatemydidae and
Volume two covers all the other species, counts 265 pages and 200 color
Schildkroten 2
This is the second part ,covering the species Kinosternidea,
platysternidae, testudinidae, trionychidae, carettochelyidae, cheloniidae,
dermochelidae, chelidae, pelomedusidae.
There are over 200 color fotos and 265 pages
1996 Heidi-Rogner-Verlag
ISBN 3-9804403-1-1 |
Handbook of
turtles: The turtles of the United States, Canada and Baja California
By Archie Carr 1952
Cornell University Press. Good book with many b/w pictures, illustations
and maps.
542 pages. ISBN 0-8014-0064-3
buy this book online at
Encyclopedia of
Keeping & Breeding Tortoises & Freshwater Turtles By A.C. Highfield 1996.
many color and b&w foto's , 295 pages
ISBN 1 873943 06 7 (soft cover)
ISBN 1 873943 11 03 (hard cover)
The role of captive
breeding/ Eggs and incubation/ Designing and constructing an incubator/ Hatching and
juvenile care/
Environmental maintenance/ Captive maintenance of aquatic and semi - aquatic species/
Dietary management and nutritional disorders/ Parasitic diseases/
Bacterial and viral diseases/ Species accounts in alphabetical order.
A Good book witch covers much about diseases, very usefull
when you don't exactly know whats wrong.
buy this book online at
General Care and Maintenance of Popular Tortoises (The
Herpetocultural Library Series)
Red-Eared Sliders
by Philippe
De Vosjoli, a small 47 paged book with many drawings and pictures. This is an
introductary book for people who want to start keeping turtles.
ISBN 1 882770 12 9
buy this book online at
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by Hans -Werner Rudloff 1990
a very good book containing many aspects of the turtle. The turtle in myth and
culture/ keeping in captivity/hibernation/feeding/breeding/...
This is a book with many pictures and drawings very properly done.
ISBN 3 332 00345 3
suesswasser schildkroten Europa's
by Glass Helmut and Walter Meusel 1994(original
contents : description/biotoop/species/feeding/breeding/keeping in captivity/
this book has been reprinted several times and is not always avalible
ISBN 3 89432 464 3 - der neue Bremm-Bucherei BD 418
buy this book online at
of the world by
Carl h. Ernst and Rodger W Barbour 1989
50 color pictures 143 b&w illustrations. 290 pages.
The first modern reference book covering all 257 species written for scientists and
interested lay persons. It provides the essential biological information needed for
further research and conservation
a very good book for determinig turtles
ISBN /0-87474-414-8 (hard cover)
buy this book online at
/ |
Schmuckschilkroten by
Fritz Jurgen Obst 1985 reprint
47 pictures 3 tables 112 pages.
Was sind Schmuckschildkröten? /
Körperbau und Funktion/ Lebensweise und Umweltbeziehungen/ Schmuckschildkröten als Heim-
und Versuchstiere/ Schmuckschildkröten in der Kultur der Indianer/ Die Bedeutung der
wissenschaftlichen Bezeichnungen der hier als gültig erachteten Schildkröten - Taxa/
Liste wissenschaftlicher Namen von Schmuckschildkröten aus älterer Literatur/ Literatur.
A great little book with nice color drawings of slider and cooters carapace and plastron
buy this book online at
Turtles and tortoises of the world.by David Alterton
1988. 60 colour photographs. 40 black&white photographs. 11 line drawings. 192 p.
A much needed study of the chelonians-turtles, tortoises and terrapins.
Describes their natural history, distribution, environmental importance and interaction
with humans.-
ISBN: 0-7137-1970-2
buy this book at
Die welt der Schildkroten
By Fritz Jurgen Obst
1985. numuros color and black
and white foto's, drawings,235 pages
Cover all aspects of turtles from seaturtles to frech waterturtles
history of turtles/ turtles in there natural enviroment/ bodystructure and life in the
wild/ turtles as pets and labanimals/ turtlesepcies/ turtles on stamps and coins/ ...
ISBN: 3-275-00855 |
Handbook of Reptiles and Amphibians of Florida
by Ray E. Ashton, Jr and Patricia Aston
Part two : Lizarts, Turtles
& Crocodilians 1985/1991
This is the second book of a tree part book. Beutifull color fhotographs,along
with species accountts which include descreptions, habitats, natural history and rage
Detailed drawings emphasize characteristics which aid in identification
The other book are part one ; The snakes , and part two ; The Amphibians.
ISBN :0-89317-036-4
look at these parts here
by this book online at
SEATUTLES By Jeff Ripple
1996. many colorpictures 84 pages y Jeff Ripple
Mostly a book with beautiflul pictures in it
buy this book
online at

by Gerhard Müller
214 pages, 76 Color plates, 28
Cover Land-,Swamp-,and Waterturtles in the terrarium
Turtles in Captivity, how to breed with Turtles, Feeding, Hibernation,
Sickneses, Species discription
1987 Eugen Ulmer
ISBN: 3-8001-7092-2 |
Frechwaterturtles By John Cann
292 pages, many col. pictures and detaileddrawings.
Australia houses some of the most interesting and unusual
freshwater turtles in the world. The author discusses their biology: where
they live, what they look like, what they eat, etc.
This is a book as it should be. It gives
detailed information on the subject and offers some stunning pictures. An
example for many autours.
Isbn : 981-04-0686-x
Buy online at
Amazone UK |

Schildkröten by
Andreas Nöllert
190 pages,many Black and white plates, some drawings
Covers every asspect of the land-, and water turtle
Landbuch Verlag
isbn : 3-7842-0342-6 |

to Salamandra
Proceeding of the EMMYS Symposium in Dresden 1996
Editors ; Uwe Fritz, Ulrich Joger, Richard Podloucky
& Jean Servan
302 pages in this very interesting book that covers
everything about the European Swamp Turtle Emmys Orbicularis.
some color plates mostly black and white, Drawings, tabels....
Isnb : 3-9801929-9-7 |
Ernährung von Landschildkröten - Carolin Dennert
144 pages, 113 colorphote's, 27 Tabs and und 17
Grafiken give a very good impression on how a tortoise schould be fed in
captivity and what it eats in the wild. A very nice book on feeding and
understanding the your tortoise needs. German book
ISBN :3-93-1587-53-3 /
Natur und Tier -verlag
Turtles and Tortoises
- Hartmut Wilke Nice little book that cover the
basic's on haw to keep a turtle or tortoise
This book is a translation from the German Autor. This book has been updated
alot and this is probebly the 5 reprint. This is one of the best selling
books for people that want to know the basic's on how to keep a turtle. Many
drawings and color pictures.
Paperback - 127 pages
Reissue (1998)
Barron's Educational Series; ISBN: 0764151177
Buy this at
What in the world is a “Turtle Wife”?

A turtle wife is just like a football or golf widow — except the operative
word is now “turtle.”

The Turtle Wife’s spouse is totally obsessed with/fixated on/passionate
about nature’s shelled wonders. There are a surprising number of us, and we
put up with a lot from our significant others.

For instance, while the football, golf, and baseball widow gets dragged to
the stadium, the golf links, or the ballpark, the turtle wife spends untold
hours at the pet store, the reptile expo, and . . . sigh . . . even the pet

All These books can be bought

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 | Desert Tortoise Preserve Comittee |
Desert Tortoise Preserve Committee, Inc.
4067 Mission Inn Avenue
Riverside, CA 92501 |
webpage: tortoise-tracks.
E-mail: dtpc@pacbell.net |
 | DGHT Salamandra |
webpage :Radiata |
 | Schildkröten Zeitung |
L. Staackmann
Verlags KG
- Schildkröten-
Lochenerstr. 6
D- 83623 Linden
webpage:schildkroeten.zeitung |
 | Reptile Magazine |
Fancy Publications, Inc. |
Subscription Information:
Reptiles Magazine
P.O. Box 58700
Boulder, Colorado 80322-8700
webpage: Reptiles On-Line |
 | Chelonian Conservation and Biology |
Chelonian Research Foundation |
Subscription Information:
Anders G. J. Rhodin
Chelonian Research Foundation
168 Goodrich Street
Lunenburg, MA 01462
webpage: Chelonian
Conservation & Biology |
